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home free

美 [hoʊm friː]英 [həʊm friː]
  • 大功告成;稳操胜券
home freehome free
  1. Are you home free in the game ?


  2. Now we 're home free , because we already did this .


  3. He got used to taking home free samples .


  4. And I would be home free .


  5. He closed the deal successfully and was home free .


  6. If the underlying object is a table , you 're home free .


  7. If we can just finish this last page , we 'll be home free .


  8. A clean home free from clutter will help you feel happy and organized .


  9. Taxi-drivers unbent so far as to take people part of the way home free .


  10. So you 've done your homework now in the laboratory frame-and you are home free & very well .


  11. The last day of the entire school year , all I have left is my math exam and I would be home free for summer .


  12. I thinkwe 're home free .


  13. Answer " yes . " It will ask for the root password of the SSH server , and then you 're home free .


  14. Chinese head coach Jia Xiuquan changed his tactics in the second half as Yang Man came off the bench and became the turning point of the match . The 1.86-meter center forward headed home a free kick from Wang in the 69th minute .


  15. This is my new home , free always to sit !


  16. That home of free enterprise , the United states .


  17. Does He feel at home and free to continue His work ?


  18. Find out how to keep your home bug free .


  19. And now we stand here home and free .


  20. We can dance at home for free .


  21. The real leisure is free subject 's free activity in the free time and is the home for free souls .


  22. John : They 'll deliver the books to your home for free and if there is any problem you can return them .


  23. And here at home , free market capitalism is what transformed America from a rugged frontier to the greatest economic power in history .


  24. But at least buyers of handbags do not receive an unlimited supply of nearly identical products at home almost free of charge .


  25. Mr Wilson is based in Dallas , Texas , where builders like centex are offering would-be home buyers free outdoor landscaping worth thousands of dollars .


  26. Chinese property developers have also resorted to increasingly imaginative tactics to shift unsold properties , including offering discounts to shoppers on Alibaba 's Taobao website and even giving home buyers free chickens .


  27. He also autographs two of them , and if there 's wine left over in first class at the end of the flight , two passengers with autographed cards get to take home a free bottle of wine .


  28. Nations must pay their debts in gold ( if asked ) and , allowed to choose its home , free gold will always go where ( 1 ) it will be safest and ( 2 ) make the most money .


  29. Internet allows consumers to buy their satisfied goods never leaving home , free of the limits of time and space . More and more Chinese Internet users are accustomed to shopping online because of the transparent price and convenient purchase manner .


  30. From the inviolability right of home to free access to home , from the right of home ownership to the right of getting the house , residence right finally formed a unified and independent basic right in the long period of protecting to human being .
